Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Proposals To Clean Up This Garbage Vortex and Prevent it From Forming Again

Proposal 1:

Governments around the world would initiate a conference to decipher which country is responsible to fund a global legislation to be implemented. It would effectively prevent the continued practice of using plastic when alternative eco-friendly products are available for use. 
Specifically penalties and other measures would be enforced on companies that use plastic, the proceeds from this would go towards a globally funded organization that particularly focuses on clearing the plastic debris from the vortex and prevents further redevelopment of it. Funds additionally provided by countries responsible will also go towards marine conservation and rescue for species threatened or exposed to this gyre. 

Proposal 2: 
A cohesive approach would be undertaken by surrounding countries of the gyre to attract attention and awareness and emplace strategies to clear the current plastic debris. Specifically the governments would innate an organization responsible for utilizing the strength of media coverage and raise individual attention to the public. Further more it would then enforce a legislation that by international law fishermen would have to partake in clearing the trash and funding for development of suitable nets in exchange for their fishing rights. 

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