Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Decision Matrix Table - North Pacific Gyre

  • Economic- Is the proposal economically appropriate and affordable for all?
  • Environmental sustainability- Will the proposal increase or improve the environmental sustainability?
  • Acceptance in the global community- Will the proposal be accepted by the majority of the global community?


    Governments around the world would initiate a conference to decipher which country is responsible to fund a global legislation to be implemented. It would effectively prevent the continued practice of using plastic when alternative eco-friendly products are available for use. 
    Specifically penalties and other measures would be enforced on companies that use excessive plastic, and the proceeds from this would go towards a globally funded organization that particularly focuses on clearing the plastic debris from the vortex and prevents further redevelopment of it. Funds additionally provided by countries responsible will also go towards marine conservation and rescue for species threatened or exposed to this gyre. 


    A cohesive approach would be undertaken by surrounding countries of the gyre to attract attention and awareness of this issue and emplace strategies to clear the current plastic debris. Specifically the governments would innate an organization responsible for utilizing the strength of media coverage and raise individual awareness to the public. Further more it would then enforce a legislation that by international law fishermen would have to partake in clearing the trash and funding for development of suitable nets in exchange for their fishing rights. 


    Will the proposal increase or improve the environmental sustainability?
    ·       Increase biodiversity in the area eventually
    ·        This plan would protect species exposed to the gyre
    ·       Innate marine conservation tactics
    ·       Prevent further redevelopment of the gyre
    ·       Reduce litter due to the enforcement of the plastic ban
    ·       This proposal may not be able to be sustained for future years though
    ·       Reduce and remove plastic debris
    ·       Eventually promote further introduction of biodiversity into the area
    ·       Reduce marine animal deaths caused by debris
    ·       Prevent extinction of depleting species numbers
    ·       This proposal would be sustainable and able to be carried on for a very long time successfully


    Is the proposal economically appropriate and affordable for all?
    ·       Costs of organising the global conference (organising to meet and make a decision would be costly)
    ·       Cost of government workers would be costly
    ·       To pass laws and legislation on a global scale may be time consuming and costly
    ·       Loss of income from ban on using plastic and impacted industries e.g. food manufactures
    ·       People would need to be employed to enforce law on companies who use plastic unnecessarily in products

    ·       Initial cost of creating appropriate nets would impact of the fisherman’s livelihood
    ·       Funding labour would be costly
    ·       Creation of the organization would be costly to fund 
    ·       Obtaining media attention would be difficult and expensive


    Will the majority of the global community accept the proposal?

    ·       Not all people would accept a legislation banning the use of plastic for manufacture and a lot of companies would lose a lot of potential income
    ·       Majority of people with an environmental conscious would support this move for laws and legislation.
    ·       People who are not environmentally conscious would disapprove of this proposal as it would mean loss of their jobs and therefore livelihood

    ·       Initially the fishermen may react negatively towards the extra workload
    ·       The public would be further introduced to this issue and obtain knowledge through media coverage and it is expected that many people would want to help
    ·       The public is suspected to pressure the governments to do something about this issue
    ·       The countries surrounding the gyre may think it is deemed unfair as it would be only them responsible for funding the organization not the initial litters which have come from throughout the world

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